Bob Graham

The Bob Graham 24 Hour Club

Members’ Information

For many years the ‘42 Peaks’ book contained a list of members of the Club. With the rapid growth in membership, the additional costs and logistics of this exercise became prohibitive. A website provides the opportunity to make the full list along with details about each member and their round available in ways not achievable in print. See here on how the data lists behind this and the records page came about.

Membership List

The current Members list is to end of 2024 and is updated annually around New Year adding the successful completions from the previous year.

For the various fastest/oldest/youngest lists please see the records page.

Click on an individual's name to view a page listing more data about them.

Click/tap on the bar to open/close the widget.

If you have set up your personal table columns on the options page you may use the display columns drop down to choose your preferred display.

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If you are a club secretary or have a website and wish to embed similar data in your website then there is now an API allowing you to use the same data as the above lists. Please see this page for further information.


It’s a club tradition for existing members to support prospective new members. The following table shows those who’ve been most prolific in their assistance. The table records assistance where the following criteria are met:

This data isn’t complete at the moment, there’s those members listed on the missing data page to be added. Note that the total column is not a sum of the individual legs but the total number of contenders they’ve helped.

Non-members must have helped on at least five occasions to be included in the data, there’s a huge number of family members helping on just their son’s or daughter’s round for example, but equally there are a considerable number of non-members who have helped multiple contenders such as Associate Members who are indicated by “AM”.

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Winter Rounds

While winter Rounds have their own page and discussion, here is a link to the current list of successes (This list is to end of 2024).

Associate Members

The Club has a second category of member, associate member. This is awarded by the BG Club committee to individuals, nominated by either a member of the committee or a member of the Club, who have never completed the Bob Graham Round but who have contributed in some singular manner in assisting with attempts on the Round or variations of it, or to the affairs of the Club, over a period of time. Services above and beyond the call of duty in other words; a list of very special people.

List of Associate Members, this version to end of 2022

Address/Contact Details

Whilst communications by the Club to members are only infrequent, it is a great help for the Club to have up to date address/contact information for members.

Occasionally we discover that some members have moved, do not wish to receive further communication or, sadly, have passed away. We do what we can to keep our membership data current but we do need your help. If your contact details change, please do let us know by emailing the Club Secretary (Angela Wilson), whose details are set out in the Contacts page. Note that we no longer ask new members for a physical address, we do everything electronically these days, so an email address is preferable.

Website Information

We try to ensure that everything is accurate but we are human and mistakes get made. If you should spot any errors or inaccuracies in the information available on this site, please let the Club know by emailing either the Club Secretary (Angela Wilson) or Membership Secretary (Bob Wightman), whose details are set out on the Contacts page. Please add “BGR” to the email subject line to help highlight the mail.


In addition to the above we have a policy document to cover our obligations under the GDPR legislation. The document outlines our reasons for holding the minimal amount of data about members that we do.