You should only get to this page if instructed to do so by the membership secretary/website maintainer in order to help them with
solving a problem.
Typically you'll be asked to copy the info in the boxes below and paste them into an email to send to the membership secretary. On a desktop computer, click inside
the box, for a Windows machine press Ctrl+a then Ctrl+c, for a Mac press Cmd+a then Cmd+c. On a touchscreen device you will have to use that device's selection mechanism
to select all the text.
The more information the better. Obviously we don't need to know your inside leg measurement or your 1500m PB but anything relevant to the problem at hand
will be useful.
Do not click the "clear" buttons unless explicitly told to do so. Doing so in other circumstances may make the site behave in unpredictable ways.
How to replicate
Provide the steps that you took in order for the problem to appear. Something like the following.
I was on the registration page.
I entered my forename of (xxxx)
I entered my surname of (yyyyyyy)
My surname has a red border and I cannot submit the form.